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Booklist for GS 1
Note: Always check for recent edition
Be choosy
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The Wonder that was India Vol 1 [A L Bashyam]
The Wonder that was India Vol 2 [S A A Rizvi]
Flipkart Link Amazon Link
- Interesting Books.
- Pictures are present
- Bulky (more than 500 pages each)
- Need to be very very choosy
Facets of Indian Culture
- Boring Book
- No pictures
- Hell lot of unnecessary facts
- Some call it Wikipedia Copy Paste
- Bulky [more than 500 pages]
Modern Indian History and Freedom Struggle
A Brief History of Modern India by Spectrum [Rajiv Ahir]
- Condensed version of Bipin Chandra's books.
- Not bulky as Bipin Chandra
- Lot of Prelims points covered in Summary
- Productive for both mains and prelims
- Easy to read and revise
- events prior to 1857 are present
The struggle for Independence [Bipin Chandra]
- Bulky
- Lot of repetition of sentences.
- 3 hr movie will look like a 6 hr movie [You will like it if you like 'Drama' genre]
- starts from 1857. Prior topics missing
- Very bad for prelims
Post Independence India
- Choose one form below
India after Independence by Bipin Chandra [PDF available on net]
Flipkart Link Amazon Link
India After Gandhi: The history of world's largest democracy
World History
OLD NCERT available at
- interesting
- compact
Mastering Modern World History by Norman Lowee 3rd Edition
- World Wars and Later Topics only: Industrial Revolution etc are absent
- No Arab spring and recent topics
- Syllabus says: History of the world will include events from 18th century (1701 onwards) such as industrial revolution, world wars, redrawal of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc.- their forms and effect on the society.
- So, the above topic (Arab Spring) is not related directly to the syllabus. But they are important for Political Science Optional. So, optional students should buy latest version.
Mastering Modern World History by Norman Lowee 5th edition
- World Wars and Later Topics only: Industrial Revolution etc are absent
- Arab spring and recent topics present
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