GS 3 In Depth Analysis-Booklist, Syllabus Part 3

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Indian Economy By Sanjeev Verma
Indian Economy By Ramesh Singh
Environemnt - Shankar Ias
[Very important for prelims, not so imp for mains]
Internal Security of India by Askok Kumar IPS [Disaster management also present]
[Good time saving book. MUST BUY]
[140-150 Rs, 150 pages only]
[Written by an IPS officer]

1.   Mrunal Patel Youtube channel ( start form here)
2.   Indian Economy by Sanjiv Verma (250 pages)(Optional)
3.   Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh (700) pages (must have. Available on Net)
4.   Environment by Shankar Ias Acadamy
Effects of liberalization on the economy, changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth.
The Topic is just one line but it is of very high priority.
The topic says
a)    Examine the effects of Liberalization
b)   Changes in industrial policy (Abolition of Licence Raj etc.)
c)    Effects of Liberalization on Industrial Growth.
But, one has to understand and consider the topics in a broder sense.
1.   External Sector of India
2.   Pre 1991 (Independence to 1991) Foreign trade Policy – Issues, problems faced, impact on growth and development (Food crisis in 1960’s etc..).
3.   LPG Reforms – 1991 Reforms – Balance of Payments Crisis, Narasimharao and Manmohan Economic Policy, Role of WB and IMF etc.. in 1991 reforms, Positives and Negatives,
4.   Post 1991 Foreign Trade Policy – First Generation Reforms (1991-2000),Second Generation reforms (2000 onwards)…
5.   FDI in different sectors [Multi-brand retail, single-brand retail, defence, insurance, banking et..]
6.   Indian Industy (Agri, Manufacturing, Services, Pre and Post Liberalization-1991)
7.   Role of WTO in Pre and Post Indian Foreign Trade Policy
8.   India and Global Economy.
9.   India and Global groupings-Bricks, G-20 etc..[Economy Perspective]
10.        2008 Economic Crisis
11.        Eurozone Crisis – Greece   bankruptsy etc..
Sanjiv verma
Ch 13-45.  (Very well structured)
Ramesh Singh
Ch 6 – Economic refroms
Ch 9 – New Industrial Policy 1991
Ch 10 – India and Global Economy
Ch 15 – External Sector of India
Self Explanatory
Current changes and Policy are very important [Current Affairs knowledge plays a major role]
Sanjiv verma
Ch 10 – Infrastructure Development
Ramesh Singh
Ch 9 – Indian Industry and Infrastructure
Investment Models
PPP model and 5-6 other related models
[There is a huge difference between investment models (PPP etc..) and investment types (mutual funds  etc..)]

Sanjiv verma
Ch 11 – Investment Models
Ramesh Singh
Ch 9 – Indian Industry and Infrastructure – In 5th Edition PPP model. Not given in good detail. Go for Sanjiv Verma.
·         Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life
·        Achievements of Indians in science & technology;
Self Explanatory
Some Suggestions
·         This topic is not about general science [phy, che, bio etc..]
·         This topic requires you to understand recent develoments which are of great significance.
·         For example: In 2013, 3D technology was a very hot topic.
·         China is testing 3D tech to create affordable housing. Some people in USA manufactured Gun parts in their home. So, you should focus on +ves and –ves when it comes to new technologies
·         Digital Signature was always in news.
·         The same year there was question on Silion tape and UDRS system in cricket. This is unexpected and strange question.
·         So you should apply great common sense while preparing.
Completely Current Affairs related.
Don’t buy any book for this.
indigenization of technology and developing new technology.
Indigenious means native.
Cryogenic technology used till recently by ISRO was Russian technology.
Now India built its own Cryogenic Engine that power GSLV rockets int its 3rd stage. So, this is an example of indigenization.
Completely Current Affairs related.
Don’t buy any book for this.
Awareness in the fields of
·         IT,
·         Space,
·         Computers,
·         robotics,
·         nano-technology,
·         bio-technology and
·         issues relating to intellectual property rights.
IT – Importance of IRNSS, IRNSS vs GPS etc..
Space – What is Hubble Space telescope, What is New Horizon Space Mission etc..
Computers – What is Heartbreak (Virus that leads to Data theft), India’s supercomputer program etc.. etc...
IPR – IPR is a major issue between India-US trade relations. Comment
What is the current Scenario of IPR in India?

Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment
Write a note about Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Project Rhinoceros etc..
What is habitat fragmentation? Habitat fragmentation is the main reason behind Man-animal conflict.
Whrite a note on Ganga Action Plan. Critically discuss its successes and failures.
Environment Impact Assessment is a survey done to assess the amount of damage done to an ecosystem.
EIA report on Western Ghats was diluted due to pressure from local lobbying groups. What would be the potential consequences?
Current Affairs and basic knowledge of environment.
Shankar Ias Book is Good for prelims. But for mains, newspapers   and Ministry reports are important.
Disaster and disaster management.
Self Explanatory
Internal security of India By Ashok Kumar IPS
Chapter 12 – Disaster Management
[Lot of notes available on net. But, the above book is important for internal security. So, even this part can be covered]
Linkages between development and spread of extremism.
Analytical topic
Internal security of India By Ashok Kumar IPS
Chapter 6 - Linkages between development and spread of extremism.
[Don’t dig internent for this. It will kill lot of time. The book is only 150 pages and is around Rs – 140. If you try to save this 140, you will end up wasting lot of your time.]
Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security.

Internal security of India By Ashok Kumar IPS
Chapter 3-5
Challenges to internal security through
·        communication networks,
·         role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges,
·         basics of cyber security;
·         money-laundering and its prevention

Money laundering is how terrorists finance their activities. So it is included here. But, you need to study this topic with much wider perspective – black money, smuggling, hawala etc..
Internal security of India By Ashok Kumar IPS
Chapter 7-9
Security challenges and their management in border areas; linkages of organized crime with terrorism

Internal security of India By Ashok Kumar IPS
Chapter 8 and 10
Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate

Internal security of India By Ashok Kumar IPS
Chapter 11

Indian Economy By Sanjeev Verma
Indian Economy By Ramesh Singh
Environemnt - Shankar Ias
[Very important for prelims, not so imp for mains]
Internal Security of India by Askok Kumar IPS [Disaster management also present]
[Good time saving book. MUST BUY]
[140-150 Rs, 150 pages only]
[Written by an IPS officer]

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